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Sunday, 18 January 2015

Mix Bag Of Stuff

Today I had no idea what I was going to post so truthfully I'm totally winging it.  All I have been doing is sorting, packing and moving furniture.  We have so much to get rid of to get ready.  To light a fire under my butt I called a friend who's a real estate agent to come through our house to tell us what we need to do to get it ready to go on the market  so we can list it in the Spring.  I suggested the beginning of February but she's going to Hawaii then and won't be back till the 12th so thank goodness I get almost 2 more weeks, we will need it.

This bag was a no brainer for me The Union Jack Harrods how much more British can you get.
A lot of the time when I find something British it's a toss up if I keep it or pass it on to my niece  who also collects British items.  This time however I'm keeping this find.

Royal Staffordshire
Clarice Cliff
Made In England

This was a Christmas present from my husband.

My husband found the two top mugs to add to my Fire King collection this past week.
I thought I would share what I have in my collection so far.

In our home I'm the one who collects airplanes and cars for in our office and luckily my husband supports my collections he picked up this plane for me for Christmas.

My husband found this huge pile of magazines about a year ago, I unearthed them this week.
I liked the cover on this one so I thought I would share it with you.

The Sunday Sun
Vancouver, B.C.
Weekend Magazine
Nov. 17, 1962

Fenwick Lansdowne's Birds

Well everyone this is my wonderful husband many, many moons ago.

Thanks for taking the time to drop by.

Sharing wit


  1. Wonderful things! How will you ever choose? Your mug collection is amazing. :) Pam

    (Love your blog look, and your photos are gorgeous.)

  2. A mix of photos is just as enlightening as doing a series on one subject. I remember the Fire King mugs well and I have 3 Harrods tea canisters that our daughter brought back from England for me with the Union Jack on. Unfortunately the tea is long gone.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Denise.

  3. Hi Denise,

    I have a Harrod's canister from our trip in 1990.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Happy Blue Monday to you Denise! This was a wonderful share. Lots of things to get to know you better! Love that b/w pic too! Such a sweet photo. Enjoy your week.

  5. Hello Denise! What a lovely post and I'm so glad you shared it at Roses of Inspiration. Your Fire King collection is truly amazing and quite beautiful!

    Happy week to you! I would love to see you again next Tuesday :) Hugs and blessings!

  6. Always so tough to get rid of things and yet so freeing.

  7. I love your fire king mugs, they are wonderful. I don't envy you trying to work out what to keep or not - good luck with it.


  8. I love fire king so enjoyed you collection. And my husband was loving seeing your airplane. He is a pilot and especially likes the old planes....................

  9. Just me again, peaking in to say hi and hope you packing is going well. I would keep the Union Jack bag too. So cool. I like all your shares and hope you are having a great day.


Look forward to your kind comments.

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